Gift Shops in Stockport
Pagan and Gothic Items,Tarot Readings, Crystal Balls, Besoms, Tarot Cards, Hand Made Runes, Athames, Pentacles, ALter Items, Candles, Oil Burners, Fairies, Angels, Bath Potions, The Green Man, The Goddess Neclace, and lots lots more, come and see and have a chat, no obligation.
We are a friendly group and love meeting new people here at the Spirits of the Forest, we are OPEN to visitors every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and especially Sundays.
You will always receive a very warm welcome and a friendly atmosphere, and an offer of a cup of tea, whenever you come through our door.
There is ONE large Community table, we like to ensure we ALL talk to each other and this is central to us shareing the enegies within.
We have a lovely Temple which you can stand or sit in if you feel you need comfort, answers or just a quiet space for a while.
We, chat, drum, do craft, discussions, eat cake , make friends, anything that people want .
Yes, there are items that you can purchase, tools of the craft etc, but this is not what we are about.
All paths, beliefs are welcome here. All we ask is for respect for our Path as we give to all others faith.
Children are welcome here and we have Craft Workshop days arranged for them where they can make things.
This is a Unique Spiritual Center which we wish to be a community and share the beautiful energies we create with others along the way.
Our special place comes with a warning : Once here, you may never want to leave.
Uniqueness is our Attraction, Familiarity our Comfort
We want you to walk in as strangers and trust you will leave as friends.
Blessings xx
Keywords: witchcraft, craft tools, witches
Opening Hours: Closed Monday, Closed Tuesday, Closed Wednesday, Thursday 12pm - 6pm, Friday 12pm - 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 12pm - 5pm
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