
  • Szczebrzeska 19 PO BOX 62
  • Zamosc, Łódzkie, 22-400
  • Poland
  • Tel:+48 84 6393671
  • Fax:+48 84 6396048
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SPOMASZ ZAMOSC S.A. is a provider of products and services such as meat and meat product processing plant consultants,cider production and processing consultants,bakery product processing plant consultants,alcoholic spirit production and processing consultants,wine production and processing consultants,soft drink, juice and mineral water production and processing consultants,carbon dioxide generators, carbonated drink processing,brewery plant, complete,mashing plant, brewery,mashing tuns, brewery,wort clarifiers, brewery,mash and wort filtering vats, brewery,wort coolers, brewery,evaporators, brewery,agitators for fermentation vats, brewery,fermentation plant and equipment, brewery,vats, fermentation, for breweries,saccharification vats, brewery,tanks, beer saturation and storage,filters, brewery,filtering mass washers, brewery,beer chilling tanks,beer filtration plant and equipment,beer stabilising plant,beer conditioning plant,beer carbonating plant,beer sterilising plant,beer pasteurising plant,brewery plant, continuous,brewery plant, high gravity,tank cleaning equipment for the brewery industry,tanks, water and effluent treatment, brewery industry,syphon tubes, strainers and bungs, brewery,yeast culture vessels, brewery,yeast driers, brewery,yeast washers, brewery,yeast extracts plant,yeast by-product plant and equipment, brewery,coppers, brewery,fruit juice production plant, complete,soft drinks plant, complete,fruit comminution machines,fruit juice concentration plant and equipment,fruit juice reconstitution plant,fruit juice filtration plant,fruit juice clarification plant,fruit juice homogenisers,fruit juice carbonating plant,fruit juice de-aeration plant,fruit juice desulphitisers,fruit juice pasteurisation plant,sugar dissolvers and syrup filters, soft drink production,bottle overturning machines, fruit juice and soft drink production,fruit squash plant,grape juice production equipment,water conditioning plant for carbonated drink production,saturators, carbonated drink processing,carbonating machinery, mineral water and carbonated drinks production,carbon dioxide evaporators, carbonated drink processing,dew point indicators, carbon dioxide, carbonated drink processing,carbon dioxide filtration systems, carbonated drink processing,separators, centrifugal, brewery,beer line cleaning equipment,dosing equipment, automatic, mineral water production,fruit pressing plant, complete,centrifuges for yeast, brewery,control and inspection equipment for breweries,food industry - machinery and equipment.

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