• Strohgasse 6
  • Klagenfurt, Kärnten, 9020
  • Oostenryk
  • Tel:+43 (0)463 / 28 18 60
  • Faks:+43 (0)463 / 28 11 45
  • Url:





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Beskrywing van die produk

TROH Punch and STROH Jagertee (hunters' tea) are the perfect companions during the cold season. These warming drinks, diluted with the correct amount of hot water are giving the ideal hot drink - of course in the renowned STROH quality.

STROH Jagertee is available in 40% and 60% vol. Based an a new EC law the product "Jagertee" is defined as a product with geograficical indication and can only be produced in Austria and has to have "inländer rum" as ingredient. STROH Jagertee is a concentrate that only has to be diluted with hot water. We suggest to take 1 part Jagertee and 3 parts hot water.