
  • Jl. Ikan Tuna I No. 1, Benoa
  • Denpasar, Bali, 13245
  • אינדונזיה
  • תל:62-31-71331617
  • פקס:62-31-3502071
  • כתובת אתר:

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דף הראשי


We are an Indonesian seafood processor, have a place of business in Banyuwangi, east java. Located 3 hour from Bali Indonesia and processor in Benoa Denpasar Bali Indonesia.

Our products range is frozen fish covering for Whole and Fillets, Steak n Portion Cut of the Grouper Sp, Snapper Sp, Barramundi, Tuna, Emperor, Mang La / Red Bulleye, Kim Sua / Threadfin Bream and any others reef fishes. If you interested a sign me

Office Phone / Fax: ( + 62) (31) (71331617)

Processor Phone / Fax: ( + 62) 34601534

CP: Ari Haryono. Mobile: ( + 62) (813) (58818977)

קראו עוד »
