• 301-1406, Bucheon Technopark, 365, Samjung-dong, Ojeong-gu
  • Bucheon-Si, Gyeonggi, 421-741
  • جنوبی کوریا
  • ٹیلی فون:82-32-3280244
  • فیکس:82-32-3280242
  • یو آر ایل:

صفحہ اول


Since established in 1999 with a mission to deliver its professional services with digital solutions for education and business, Tamtus Co., Ltd. has specialized in manufacturing LCD Display Lift, Height-adjustable Workstation Lift, Document Camera, LED Lamp, Book Scanner.

Tamtus also specializes in digital solutions for computer and language labs, multimedia classrooms and lecture theatres, and e-learning system.

Tamtus is committed to seizing its chance to play a full roll in increasing educational and professional creativity and productivity through innovative collaboration technology not only within Korea, also around the World.

Tamtus will concentrate on satisfying the needs of our customers and working hard to become a future-oriented company armed with a spirit that can take on any challenge. Tamtus will continue to retain its unparalleled presence in pioneering and leading in digitalizing facilities for education and business.

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