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Facsimile (fax) machines
Cheque writing machines
Cheque signing machines
Cheque and document printing and personalising machines
Endorsing machines for cheques and bills of exchange
Composing machines, office
Drums, photocopier
Photocopier parts and accessories
Spare parts and accessories for office machinery
Photocopiers, flatbed
Photocopiers, rotary
Photocopiers, photographic
Photocopiers, transfer process
Photocopiers, laser
Photocopiers, dyeline/diazo
Photocopiers, xerographic
Photocopiers, reflex
Photocopiers, direct positive
Photocopiers, thermal
Photocopiers, contact
Photocopiers, digital
Photocopiers, automatic
Photocopiers, true-to-scale
Photocopiers, colour
Photocopiers, book and magazine
Photocopiers for large black and white and colour copies
Photocopiers, ultraviolet (UV)
Labelling machines, office
Wax sealing machines, electric, office
Destructors, tape and disk, office
Crushers, waste paper, office
Presses, baling and compacting, for cardboard and paper, office
Paper and document shredding machines
Cash registers
Photocopiers, drawing office, plan printers
Wax pens
Banknote sorting machines
Banknote counting machines
Queue management systems, electronic
Cash registers, electronic
Cash registers and printers, electronic, point of sale (EPOS)
Cash registers, credit card transactions
Cash registers and stock control computers, combined
Accounting machines, bookkeeping
Accounting machines, recording
Accounting machines with totaliser
Accounting machines without totaliser
Accounting machines with typewriter keyboard
Accounting machines without typewriter keyboard
Accounting machines, PAYE (pay as you earn) and payroll machines
Accounting machines, ledger posting
Accounting and invoicing machines, combined
Credit sanction systems and equipment
Billing machines, electromechanical
Billing machines, electronic
Ribbons, inked, for cash registers
Ribbons for accounting machines
Spools for bookkeeping machines
Accounting machine accessories and equipment
Dictating machines, analog or digital
Dictating machine telephone attachments
Dictating machines, pocket
Dictating machines, portable
Dictating machines, tape
Dictating machines, central system
Banknote forgery detectors, infrared
Banknote forgery detectors, ultraviolet (UV)
Banknote destruction machines
Coin sorting machines
Coin testing machines
Coin counting machines
Coin weighing machines
Coin wrapping machines
Credit card counting machines
Cash deposit machines
Credit card machines, manual
Cash dispensers, bank
Automated teller machines (ATM)
Banknote verifying machines
Change dispensers, manual, public transport fare collection
Photo listing machines
Security and identity card making kits, portable
Cheque and document security protection equipment