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About TECS

TECS offer Virtual Learning System, via its Virtual Campuses to provides high quality, updated collegiate courses that are designed to provide an exciting and meaningful education experience. Attending our virtual campus, your students will study all the required materials at their own home. There are office hours at which your students can meet their instructor to help get the subject.

Place , time and study system

TOP VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATION teaching one of the best and the latest modern academic curriculum in the World, using the latest means of teaching in the world in country of the student under the supervision of skilled professors, in a virtual hall in sound and image - at various times where the student can choose the right time for her/him without conflicting with her/him work, leisure time and without leaving business, her/him country or family

Method of test and graduation

The student will be tested in his country or the nearest country to his country in authorized centers by TOP VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATION to oversee the integrity of the exams

If the student complete all courses successfully, it will be subject to graduation meeting - in specified time - in his own country or the nearest country to his country - to prove that he worthy to obtain the degree by TOP VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATION

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