• 16 Gibbs Hill Drive, Essex Avenue Metro Area
  • Gloucester, Massachusetts, 01930
  • Spojené štáty
  • Tel:978-491-0747
  • Fax:(978) 283-7478
  • Url:

O nás


Our company has a series of educational DVD's and Learning Activity books that prepare children for Kindergarten. Shapes, colors, numbers, letters, days of the week and months of the year are just some of the concepts we cover in our program.

Our program is unique and the only one of its kind, each DVD comes with 25 pages of FREE curriculum that you can download directly from our website. Our Hands-On Approach makes learning both FUN and interactive. Our site also offers free worksheets and crafts to improve their skills.

Each of our DVD's comes with 25 Pages of FREE curriculum that you can download directly from our website. No other company offers FREE Activities with their DVD's!

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