• 47 Episcopal Rd
  • Berlin, Connecticut, 06037-1522
  • США
  • Тел:(860) 829-0670
  • Факс:(860) 828-7403
  • Адреса:

Про нас


TOMZ Corporation is FDA registered, ISO9001:2000 certified, AS9100:2004 certified and ISO134585 compliant company.

TOMZ Corporation is a leading manufacturer of implants, surgical deviecs, products for the clinical chemistry industry and aircraft flight components.

TOMZ Corporation prides itself in being a leader in its field and we believe strongly in having the most up-to-date and technologically advanced machines available. Not only does this give us the advantage of producing parts many others cannot, but it allows us to make those parts, faster, more accurately and with shorter lead times.

Комерційна інформація

Товар наявності

Товар наявності

51 - 100 осіб


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