• 1541 el tigre apt 11
  • San Luis Obispo, California, 93401
  • Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
  • Tel:(805) 286-2229
  • Faks: ---.---.-----
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Compare some of the world's most highly regarded speakers--Wilson Grand Slamm, JM Labs Grande Utopia, Genesis 1, Dynaudio Evidence, etc. (all over $50,000/pr).

None of these speakers sound as natural or musical as

Total Balance Speakers.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Still sitting here in awe, this blows my mates $62K+ stereo away. 12" Cast Frames, in the 5.6 cabinet, are a gem. WOW!"--Paul Eagle (from Australia)

If you would like more information about our products, contact us at the email address below.

Thank you for stopping buy,


[email protected]

We have a policy at Total Balance Audio, that we won't sell a more expensive speaker, unless it sounds better. So, if you pay more, you will get better sound.

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