Environmental Site Assessment
n response to new environmental regulations in the Province of British Columbia, most companies have taken an increasingly pro-active approach to environmental concerns. Identifying and evaluating the potential project or operating challenges, risks and liabilities above/under the ground is crucial for owners, investors, developers and financiers when operating or undertaking major renovations or development of a property.
Mitigation of environmental liabilities or the successful remediation of a contaminated site demands that all aspects of the property including its historical use, geology, surface and groundwater, future land and water use, and risks are understood, evaluated and integrated into a cost effective plan.
Pacific’s team of professionals offer one point of access to many of the environmental services that you may require. We will work with your project team to package essential services to suit the requirements of your project.
Pacific Environmental’s team has remediated many small to large, simple to complex sites in industrial, commercial, residential and remote areas in BC. We have delivered successful projects to the industrial sector, including oil and gas and manufacturing; transportation projects for road and marine clients; as well as special studies and assistance to municipal, provincial and federal governments.