• 1100 Rio Verde Dr, Deely Plaza Metro Area
  • Desoto, Texas, 75115
  • Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
  • Tālr.:(800) 719-2718
  • Fakss: ---.---.-----
  • Vietrādis URL:



i??TraffiCare International provides traffic ticket compensation for hazardous moving violations anywhere in the United States. Our Intellectual Property Patent Pending protects our processes, plan, concept, and service. The traffic ticket industry is a 16 billion dollar a year industry. Two traffic tickets are written every second in the US. This ranks the traffic ticket a??industrya?? behind companies like Sony, McDonalds, and BMW on the fortune 500 list. Although traffic tickets are a money generator nationally, several billions are lost due to unpaid fines. City governments lose over 1 billion dollars nationally for tickets that go into warrant status. This also creates overcrowded jails for minor traffic offenses.

i??TraffiCare has a two pronged effect. It relieves the financial burden fo

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