Wood Windows
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Tricon Truss and Millwork Ltd. runs a complete wood window manufacturing facility in Smithers, BC. The combination of over 30 years of woodworking experience and a passion for windows is evident in each and every one of the windows that goes out our door. Tight grain coastal Douglas Fir is the wood of choice for its natural warmth and beauty. We pride ourselves on being able to find a way to accomodate any custom detail you may require.
Corner windows, bay windows, and box windows are all in a days work for the craftsman in our shop. Dual pane, low-E, argon filled insulating glass units are standard, but for the ultimate in energy efficiency, we offer our windows not only in dual pane but also in triple. Our windows are quality audited and certified to CSA A440.2-04. Our windows are also tested to and exceed the NAFS-08 (Harmonized Standard) as required by British Columbia building code. Test results show that the windows are able to withstand hurricane force winds without even a drip of water coming through.