搜索結果: 动物或植物油脂
發現14587 公司globalcatalog.com/chinarussiatradecorporation.ru
China-Russia Trade Corporation is a commercial structure that ensures the foreign economic interests of Russian Federation on the territory of People’s Republic of China and solves a set of tasks a... 閱讀更多 »
- 混合养殖的产品 | 玉米 | 粮食谷物 | 玉米 | 黄玉米 | 油菜和油菜籽 | 亚麻籽油,可食用的 | 黄油 | 面粉 | 大豆加工品...
- Москва
- 俄罗斯
... 閱讀更多 »
- 食品—进出口 | 饮料—进出口 | 食用油和油脂 | 不含巧克力的甜食 | 糖 | 可可和巧克力 | 咖啡和茶 | 提取的调味品及辛香佐料 | 不含酒精的带气饮料 | 食品特产...
- Berlin
- 德国
Vilina refined oil, procures the raw ingredients for its oils from across the world. Grown and nurtured in the best farms fields, Vilina refined oil, brings out the essence of a kitchen. Everyday... 閱讀更多 »
- 精制油 | 植物油 | 植物油,可食用的(贸易) | 豆油 | 向日葵油 | 食用油 | 植物油精制油 | 大豆油,精制 | 油用于烹饪...
- Pune
- 印度
Teerth Export is a leading Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Essential Oils, Perfumes, Compounds, Indian Attar Products from India origin.
India's one of biggest fragrance seller... 閱讀更多 »
- 姜油 | 精油 | 香 | 香水和芳香除臭化学品 | 不含酒精的香水 | 精油制造 | 批发精油
- Kannauj
- 印度
Founded in 1973, Jiangsu Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import Export Group Corp. (abbreviated as JCOF) has earned an accumulated total exportation value of USD5 billion. We have been ranked for 10... 閱讀更多 »
- 蚕豆 | 大豆 | 豇豆豆 | 芸豆 | 奶油豆 | 绿豆 | 黑豆 | 栗子 | 姬松茸 | 花菇
- Nanjing
- 中国
Highway Tropische Supermarkt is a large retail store in Netherlands . This supermarket is a a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food, beverages and household products, organized into... 閱讀更多 »
- 食用油 | 食用油和油脂 | 其他食用油 | 面包 | 面包产品 | 动物脂肪 | 肉、脂油、肉类食品 | 不含小麦面包 | 面包,各类(白,小麦,黑麦等),新鲜或冷冻 | 油,动物或植物...
- Rotterdam
- 荷兰
Safco’s journey started in 1994, a family owned business founded and flourished under the leadership of CEO Mr. Ajit Singh Sawhney, whose vision & determination saw SAFCO diversifying its wings t... 閱讀更多 »
- 分配器,塑料的,用于卫生纸 | 鳕鱼 | 肉类和家禽 | 肉类和海鲜 | 特色肉,羊肉和羊肉 | 速冻海鲜 | 食用油 | 煎炸油 | 特色面包,英国人 | 咖啡和咖啡替代品...
- dubai
- 阿拉伯联合酋长国
Zhejiang Native Produce Animal By-Products I/E Group Co., Ltd., established in Feb. 1975, is now a core holding subsidiary of Zhejiang International Business Group Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in... 閱讀更多 »
- 南瓜仁 | 姬松茸 | 花菇 | 松茸 | 滑子蘑 | 侧耳 | 草菇 | 银耳 | 保鲜牛蒡 | 山茶花油
- Hangzhou
- 中国
Zhejiang Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import Export Co., Ltd. is the largest foreign trade enterprise in China's Zhejiang Province, with revenue greater than most food exporting companies in... 閱讀更多 »
- 蚕豆 | 姬松茸 | 牛肝菌 | 花菇 | 菌 | 松茸 | 莫雷尔 | 滑子蘑 | 侧耳 | 香菇
- Hangzhou
- 中国
Shandong jinsheng group consists of a parent company - Shandong Jinsheng Cereals Oils Group Co., Ltd., five affiliated companies - Junan Jinsheng Cereals Oils Industrial Co., Ltd and Shandong... 閱讀更多 »
- 蚕豆 | 芸豆 | 黑豆 | 有机豆 | 有机蔬菜 | 核桃 | 瓜子儿 | 葵花仁 | 南瓜仁 | 新鲜大蒜
- Junan
- 中国
ASIA AFRICA GENERAL TRADING LLC, Head quartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Specialized in supply chain Management of Agri Food Commodities , such as Grains, oil Oil Seeds, Pulses, Rice, Sugar,... 閱讀更多 »
- 小麦 | 玉米 | 黄玉米 | 巴斯马蒂大米 | 黑米 | 茉莉香米 | 蚕豆 | 鹰嘴豆 | 大豆 | 芸豆
- Dubai
- 阿拉伯联合酋长国
Jayant Agro-Organics Limited is a company with leadership in the castor-based specialty chemicals industry. with experience of manufacturing of over 50 years. With proven research capabilities,... 閱讀更多 »
- 防沫剂,用于蒸汽锅炉 | 蓖麻油 | 氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶(CSM) | 聚烯烃,聚乙烯和衍生物 | 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) | 聚丙烯(PP) | 乳化服务,用于润滑和冷却油 | 抗氧化剂,油和油脂用 | 防老化添加剂,用于矿物油 | 脱色剂...
- Mumbai
- 印度
With a great mission to place the kuchchh district of Gujarat on the minerals producer map of India, internationally acclaimed Manek Minerals established in 1974 at Bhuj Kuchchh in... 閱讀更多 »
- 宝石(经纪人) | 进口商和出口商,金属矿石的 | 进口商和出口商,非金属矿石的 | 钻石(经纪商) | 石榴石 | 粘土熟料 | 碧玉 | 蓖麻油 | 膨润土 | 高岭土...
- Bhuj
- 印度
TUNISIAN GOLDEN FRUITS出口多种椰枣产品:去核椰枣、Deglet Nour椰枣、有机椰枣、夹心椰枣、椰枣浆和椰枣糖浆。本公司从采收到包装执行严格的质量控制制度。TUNISIAN GOLDEN FRUITS还出口面团和橄榄油。营业以出口为主:南美、欧洲、近东和非洲。整年出货,提供新鲜产品。... 閱讀更多 »
- 水果和蔬菜—进出口 | 食品—进出口 | 农业—进出口 | 水果 | 橄榄油 | 面条 | 进出口—食品加工业 | 水果干...
- Burgwedel
- 突尼西亞
S.A. Moldagrotehnica was established in 1944 and it is a leading company in manufacturing of agricultural equipment and parts for agricultural equipment. For last years Moldagrotehnica S.A. has... 閱讀更多 »
- 人造奶油 | 脂肪,蔬菜,食用菌 | 脂肪,氢化,食用 | 人造黄油,表 | 人造奶油,液体 | 乳脂,食用 | 脂肪,植物油,混合,食用 | 脂肪,烹饪和油炸 | 亚麻籽油,可食用的 | 可可脂...
- Balti
- 摩尔多瓦
Dear Sir,
We got your reference from various trade sources from where we understand the potential of your company and your trade interests.
Kindly allow us to introduce ourselves as one of the... 閱讀更多 »
- 蓖麻油 | 其他纤维的 | 纱 | 树脂 | 异丙隆 | 苯敌草 | 敌草隆 | 敌草胺 | 无机盐 | 厨房毛巾
- Vadodara
- 印度
We AgroFarwati Group a well established commodities supplier company with an excellent tracking records, located in middle- east UAE/Syria and Ukraine offices.
We are supplies and producers due to... 閱讀更多 »
- 核桃 | 木本植物 | 开花植物 | 水生植物 | 多汁植物 | 花生油 | 向日葵油 | 面粉 | 草药 | 鸡蛋...
- Nikoleav
- 乌克兰
Bio Herb Egypt is a newly established company in 2009 aiming to build a good reputation in the field of exporting all kinds of organic and non-organic Egyptian dried seeds, herbs, and some dehydrated... 閱讀更多 »
- 植物油 | 亚麻籽油,可食用的 | 香草茶 | 胡椒薄荷茶 | 春黄菊茶 | 木槿茶 | 香草茶,混合的 | 草药 | 调味品和调味料 | 香料和草药产品...
- Fayoum
- 埃及
Located near Shadnagar in the industrially backward Mahaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh about 70 kms from Hyderabad on National Highway No7 connecting Bangalore , the Company has the most... 閱讀更多 »
- 大宗商品的拍卖服务 | 天然树脂和橡胶经纪人 | 天然橡胶和胶乳经纪人 | 原油经纪人 | 精炼油经纪人 | 金属矿石经纪人 | 革皮和裘皮经纪人 | 商品经纪人,自己计算预收庄稼采购和航运费用的 | 杂交种子 | 人造奶油...
- Hyderabad
- 印度
Bunge is Canada’s largest processor of oilseeds producing protein meals for the animal
feed industry and vegetable oils used a food ingredient. Bunge’s quality product lines
include: shortenings, fr... 閱讀更多 »
- 饲料顾问 | 谷类(大米除外),豆类作物和油籽的种植 | 制造人造黄油和类似食用油脂 | 饲料研究开发 | 玉米 | 饲料(贸易) | 饲料(贸易) | 油料籽( 贸易) | 其他油籽 | 人造奶油...
- Wainwright
- 加拿大
Nationwide Natural Foods is a Canadian owned & operated family business since 2000. Nationwide specializes in the distribution of various domestic & imported products to retailers across... 閱讀更多 »
- 保健和减肥食品零售连锁店 | 蜂蜜 | 植物油 | 烘烤半成品 | 无麸质面包 | 枫糖浆 | 巧克力棒 | 酱,酱油 | 发酵粉 | 有机食品(贸易)...
- Delta
- 加拿大
Supreme Meat Supplies Ltd. is a meats and meat product company in Burnaby. This public company was founded in 1981. Supreme Meat Supplies Ltd. has been around 14 years longer than the typical... 閱讀更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 家禽 | 肉 | 羊肉 | 牛肉 | 牛肉切块 | 牛肉香肠 | 猪肉香肠 | 牛肉和小牛肉产品 | 萨拉米...
- Burnaby
- 加拿大
Incorporated in 1991 by highly experienced, multi facet, professionally qualified promoters, involved in imports, exports, representation trading. Provide commercial services to principals to... 閱讀更多 »
- 炸豆泥 | 腰果 | 新鲜香蕉 | 姜油 | 龙蒿,加工过的 | 八角/大茴香 | 黑种草/黑孜然 | 伏牛花子 | 小豆蔻,加工过的 | 肉桂,加工过的...
- Delhi
- 印度
We are Viet Star Import Export Co., Ltd, a large manufacturer and exporter of starch and spices in Vietnam for 11 years. Our product range include: tapioca starch and spices: chili, turmeric,... 閱讀更多 »
- 农业废弃物 | 豇豆豆 | 新鲜香蕉 | 新鲜椰子 | 海藻 | 鱼粉 | 椰子油 | 淀粉 | 香料 | 果冻和布丁...
- Ho Chi Minh City
- 越南
Established in 1994, U.A.R (United A/C R Co., Ltd.) built its head office in
Hong Kong and factory in Guangzhou mainland China. After more than ten
years development and improving, now, as one of... 閱讀更多 »
- 时尚配饰代理 | 管理体系认证 | 空气净化设备配件 | 干草 | 山茶花油 | 竹原料 | 电子书 | 其他男式服装 | 其他服装 | 儿童背心背心和...
- Kowloon
- 香港