搜索結果: 地毯,地垫和地毯
發現4 公司首選上市有關: 地毯,地垫和地毯
Karacahan-Lodos carpet is a shining star in the carpet sector, which exports its products to the 5 continents with the slogan “ new faces of places “.
It is first founded in 1995 as a family b... 閱讀更多 »
- 地毯 | 工业地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯,地垫和地毯 | 机制地毯 | 地毯,染色的 | 地毯,抗压耐轧的 | 地毯,憎尘式 | 地毯,有梭纹的 | 狭长走廊地毯...
- Gaziantep
- 土耳其
Abbas Carpets offers a curated selection of high-quality, handcrafted rugs and carpets. Their collections feature designs inspired by various cultural traditions, including Mamluk, Oushak, Serapi,... 閱讀更多 »
- 打结地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯,地垫和地毯 | 地毯和化纤地毯 | 工艺织毯 | 机制地毯 | 地毯,绝热的 | 楼梯地毯 | 地毯,重型的...
- New York NY
- 美国
Ritlana offers unique handmade at reasonable price. You can checkout from our range of products that include home decoratives, leather bags and more. We manufacturer, wholesaler some sourced products... 閱讀更多 »
- B2C服装和时尚用品网店 | B2C家居用布和纺织品网店 | 服装—进出口 | 皮制品进出口 | 进口商和出口商,陶瓷制品的 | 家居装饰陶瓷和搪瓷 | 粘土家居装饰 | 布艺家居装饰 | 木家居装饰 | 家居装饰...
- Delhi
- 印度
Discount Carpet and Flooring offers quality flooring of all kinds. From tile, to new carpet, we have the best products around. We offer 2 rooms installed completely for $299 and we have 12 colors to... 閱讀更多 »
- 镶木地板 | 木地板工作 | 地毯铺设 | 地毯 | 地毯,地垫和地毯 | 地毯 | 塑料层压板 | 地毯,地毯品,地毯片 | 房子地板选择服务...
- Eastpointe
- 美国