搜索結果: 推土机
發現5 公司globalcatalog.com/mistaspzoo.pl
MISTA Ltd. is a private company established in 1991. All shares are owned by members of the board.
From the beginning MISTA Ltd has been dealing with construction and road building equipment... 閱讀更多 »
- 推土机,农业的 | 土地平整机,农用的 | 推土机和平路机 | 平地机 | 推土机 | 推土机大修服务 | 建筑设备制造商 | 拖拉机,维修和服务 | 推土机(工程机械)...
- Stalowa Wola
- 波兰
Guangzhou Xiangyao Construction Machinery Co., Ltd is proffessional in deal with all kinds of construction machineries, was established in 2010. Our maintenance work shop has more then 11,000 square... 閱讀更多 »
- 自卸车 | 叉车 | 挖掘机 | 平地机 | 压路机 | 推土机 | 装载机
- Guangzhou
- 中国