搜索結果: 金属容器
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Omri OU自2008年起生产金属制品,如今的主要业务是制造并组装各种金属制品。主要产品包括金属容器、电缆盘、金属置物架、钢制托盘和固定装置(固定支架)。主要市场有德国、法国、荷兰。最大的合作伙伴和客户为Shueco International,以及Interbulk公司。目前,公司拥有64名高技能人才,生产力达每月200吨。... 閱讀更多 »
- 钢材和金属焊接—加工 | 钢材和金属—焊接和钎焊 | 电子束焊—器械 | 轻型金属结构 | 焊接丝网 | 金属圆桶和酒桶 | 金属容器...
- Jõhvi
- 爱沙尼亚
- 安全产品代理 | 转移印花 | 注模服务,用于金属 | 绝缘材料 | 弹簧—设计定做 | 联轴器 | 管道 | 管件 | 管材和管件 | 铸铁管和管道...
- Mumbai
- 印度
Manufacturer and Exporter of Basic Dyes, Acid Dyes, Solvent Dyes, Vat Dyes and Pigments.
- 颜料,合成的,酸性的 | 苯胺染料 | 颜料,合成的,碱性的 | 颜料,合成的,还原性的 | 染料,合成的,直接的 | 染料,合成的,反应性的 | 染料,合成的,氧化的 | 染料,合成的,可溶解的 | 染料,合成的,预金属化的 | 染料,合...
- Mumbai
- 印度
Manufacturer Of Acoustic Enclosure for Gas Turbine / Steam Turbine, D.G. Sets And Other Noise Control Systems For The Machineries, Air Filtration System for Gas Turbine, Acoustic Louvers &... 閱讀更多 »
- 热电联运系统顾问 | 裤子和裤子 | 转换器,变频的,静态的 | 变换器,同步机-数字的 | 变换器,数字-同步机的 | 变换器,模拟-频率的 | 电子用品 | 直流永磁发电机(PMG) | 发电机,交流式,单相和三相的,五千瓦以上的 | ...
- Faridabad
- 印度
Green City manufacture steel municipal waste management equipment. Our equipment is made high-quality steel plates which provide a long lifespan of all products and high endurance to stress and rough... 閱讀更多 »
- 容器,金属制,用于装废物,垃圾 | 容器,吸入剂用,金属制 | 仓储器,金属制,防火的 | 斗,仓储用,金属制,工业用 | 斗,干活用,金属制,工业用 | 金属容器...
- Belgrade
- 塞尔维亚
Manufacturer & Exporters of Backrest Shaft, Bobbin Bush, D R C Connectors, Heald Frame, Leno Gear, Held Frame Guide, Snap Buckle & Side Stay.
- 电子元器件(贸易) | 电气元件 | 粗面石工机械,自动的,建筑工业用 | 篮 | 铆钉,黄铜制,非车制 | 金属容器 | 黄铜端子 | 铜螺母与螺栓 | 太阳能产品及设备...
- Ahmedabad
- 印度
Lefkosidirourgia Kavalas S.A. 公司创立于1986年,且最初于1975年起便开始有业务运作,主要从事食品包装用锡罐和金属容器制造,产品从最小尺寸2 lt 到最大25 lt 均有。... 閱讀更多 »
- 金属盒和金属罐 | 金属容器
- Kavála
- 希腊
Provides Services in Air Ticket Booking.
- 航空客,货运输服务 | 导游 | 旅行社,国内的 | 树脂 | 公路运输—物流服务 | 金属容器 | 海关清关 | 杂项清洁运输服务...
- Chennai
- 印度
we have rich experiences in the plastic spools/reels.supply various of plastic series.such as :PN series. function: PN reels widely used in the payoff & takeup during bunching, extrusion,... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他家纺产品机械 | 塑料—电子工业用品 | 金属容器
- Changzhou
- 中国
Huzhou Longtong Chemical Co., Ltd was establish from 1992. Over 19years professional manufacture experience ,we become one of the largest Manufacture on Adhesive in Huzhou City Zhejiang... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他汽车护理产品 | 金属容器
- Huzhou
- 中国
Zhejiang Zhongyang Screw Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional designer, manufacturer, rebuilder and distributor of screws, barrels and other machine components for plastic and rubber... 閱讀更多 »
- 塑料造粒机 | 金属容器
- Zhoushan
- 中国
As a leading supplier of metal furniture equipment in Turkey, ARSIMA manufactures more than 100 kinds of products, including workbenches, tool carts, lab furnitures, specific/standard cases,... 閱讀更多 »
- 堆叠容器 | 包装箱 | 金属容器
- Çamyurdu
- 土耳其
Zhoushan Dinghai Jinmao Plastifying Machinery Manufacturing Factory is one of the largest manufacturers, specialized in researching, designing and manufacturing high precise screws, barrels and... 閱讀更多 »
- 塑料—工业用机械和器材 | 塑料加工机械零件 | 金属容器
- Zhoushan
- 中国
DYZDN specializes in the manufacture and printing of metal packaging of metal tin box with metal lid and aluminium can with aluminium caps.
our products come in avariety of shapes and sizes and... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他食品包装 | 金属容器
- Langfang
- 中国
If you are in need of HDPE plastic Drums / Containers then you have found the right place. Aditya Plastic Industries specializes in packaging products for both liquid and powder. We carry a good... 閱讀更多 »
- 鼓,桶和桶 | 金属容器
- Ahmedabad
- 印度
S.M. Industries comenced its production with manufacture of equipments for Wire Cable Industry. Subsequently, started offering products for MS Wire, SS Wire and Welding wire industry. With a clear... 閱讀更多 »
- 金属容器
- Coimbatore
- 印度
Neorelva is a company specialized in metal and plastic packaging for the sectors of paints, varnishs, oils, and chemical products. Neorelva is one of the top companies in the Iberia, and works in... 閱讀更多 »
- 涂料桶 | 金属容器
- Vale
- 葡萄牙
Our company specializes in working with our customers to find opportunities for cost savings, increased productivity and inventory reduction & optimization. The numerous supplier awards... 閱讀更多 »
- 金属容器
- Székesfehérvár
- 匈牙利
For the last 65 years we have developed, produced, and marketed returnable packaging systems.
We have developed multiple product lines of returnable packaging systems. Next to the high quality and... 閱讀更多 »
- 堆叠容器 | 金属容器
- Veldhoven
- 荷兰
Established in the year 1995, Sharma Group of Industries is a well known proprietorship firm comprising of a group of companies engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting of a wide range of ... 閱讀更多 »
- 塑料粉碎机械 | 金属容器 | 高密度聚乙烯管道
- Aurangabad
- 印度