• Zaabeel Road,
  • Karama, Dubai, UAE
  • 阿拉伯联合酋长国
  • 电话:971-4-3960555
  • 传真:971-4-3960333
  • 网站:



Alpha Middle East is a subsidiary of Alpha group (based in East Africa) . Having our parent company "Uganda Fish Packers Ltd" in Uganda. We are largest producer exporter of chilled / frozen Nile Perch products (caught from Lake Victoria) maily to Europe, Middle East Far Japan. Our product list includes:

Nile perch skin-on / skinless fillets (Chilled / frozen)

Yellowfin Tuna Loin grade A (Chilled)

Yellowfin Tuna Loin grade Sashimi (Chilled)

Swordfish Loins (Chilled)

Exotic Reef fishes like groupers, snappers, emperors, breams, barracuda, mullets etc (Chilled / frozen)

Marine products like Shrimps, Cuttle Fish, Squids, Mackerels, Sardines etc (ALL FROZEN)

Please feel free to contact us for more information or visit our website

WWW. Alphamiddleeast. Com,

WWW. Alphauganda. Com

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