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Use the Uhire Louisville directory City to find verified licensed contractors. Here you can check their business license number. City:
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Professionals must obtain state and city-issued licenses to be deemed qualified for a job in the City of Louisville. The Kentucky Department of Housing, Buildings, and Constructions issues licenses to eligible building professionals in Louisville like electricians, plumbers, and HVAC contractors. Professional contractors operating within the city must also obtain a license from the Louisville Division of Construction Review before working on any project. You should always verify that all the relevant agencies have duly licensed your intended professional before retaining their services. The Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction maintains an online license search tool you can utilize to find out if the professional has been duly licensed. You can also verify the licensing status of professionals at the city's Division of Construction Review by contacting the office at (502) 574-3321.
In addition to verifying the licensing status of professionals in the city, you may need to obtain relevant city-issued permits before work can begin on your projects. If you intend to hire contractors, electrical, HVAC professionals, or other building-related professionals, you will typically be required to obtain construction permits from the Louisville Permits, Applications & Licenses Office. You can contact this office at (502) 574-3321 to further inquire about your intended project's permitting requirements.
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