
  • Bergebyvägen 24
  • Torsby, Stockholm, 68534
  • Sweden
  • Tel:+46 560 140 55
  • Fax:+46 560 101 25
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Unisystem AB is a provider of products and services such as calibration services, dynamic,road traffic weight classification systems, portable,auger dosing equipment, automatic,volumetric cup dosing machines, automatic,micro dosing systems for resin casting applications,dosing equipment, flour mills,dosing equipment, cheese making plant,dosing devices, chlorine gas, sugar mill,dosing equipment, automatic, for animal feed,scales, abattoir, overhead track,scales, veterinary,scales, continuous, for conveyor weighing,scales, pallet weighing,scales for concrete mixers,scales, colliery, automatic,scales, automatic, for the textile industry,scales, automatic, for the iron and steel industry,weighbridges, automatic, radio relayed data,weighbridges, automatic, for livestock,weighbridges, automatic, road-rail,weighing machines, automatic, mining and salt extraction,weighing equipment, automatic, for the tobacco industry,weighing machines, automatic, for farm produce,weighing machines, automatic, for liquids,weighing equipment, engine,weighing machines, combination, automatic,weighing machines, load cell,bagging and weighing equipment for the chemical industry,weighers, checking and sampling,bed weighers, automatic,balances, spring,balances, remote controlled,batching weighers, continuous,weighers, automatic, multipoint,weighers, automatic, weight and number check,follower plates for barrels,scales, rail.

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