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Urban Cultivator™ Product Design

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1 Sena (snin)

Mhux disponibbli


Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

Designed to take the latest and best hydroponic growing technology and package it in an attractive high quality appliance.

The first home or commercial appliance to actually produce food!

The Urban Cultivator Home takes up the same footprint as a dishwasher, and being plumbed to water and electrical in the same way, make it an easy install. Pre-programmed with optimal growing cycles, the Urban Cultivator Home will automatically control the light, the fan and the watering of your garden.

You simply add 100% organic food once a week and your chosen bounty of fresh herbs and greens will be on their way to your plate. After growing the basics, you may wish to move onto more exotic fare and expand your culinary horizons.