• Guayabo 1928 of 101
  • Montevideo, 11200
  • Ουρουγουάη
  • Τηλ:598-98-220659
  • Φαξ:598-2-4003538
  • Διεύθυνση:

Brazilian timber

Μαλακή ξυλεία



1 Έτος (s)

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Περιγραφή του προϊόντος

This grade consists of the fall-down of all other grades. It has pieces free of pith, but with heavy

twisting; pieces with pith, but with heavy resin content; pieces with pith on one face, but with

heavy wane on its edged… In sum, all defects which other grades do not accept are accepted in

this grade. We do not produce B grade, but it is a consequence of our production. Therefore, this

grade can only be sold from stock.

Read more: http://valimpex.webnode.com/brazilian-timber/

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