About our mobile concrete delivery service!

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For far too long when ordering concrete tradies and home renovators have had to calculate exactly how much concrete they will need and add a safety margin to their order. Many add over 15% to their order which is more often than not sent back to the ready mix plant as waste. Not only have you paid for that concrete but some plants will even charge you $100 just to dispose of .1 of a cubic metre. Even worse sometimes orders fall short and another ready mix truck needs to be sent out to complete your job which takes precious time and also attracts minimum order fees.
VCA’s mobile batching service offers the perfect solution to this problem. Our state of the art, Australian Standard compliant, mobile batching plant mixes the concrete fresh as the job progresses, so we can simply just stop mixing when you have enough and you only pay for what you use. No more expensive waste!
The units also carry extra materials to each job, so if you for short for any reason we can simply just make more concrete. We’re also quick It takes less than 7 seconds to make a wheelbarrow worth of concrete which is over 20x faster than other onsite batching services.
We also offer the only On-Time delivery guarantee. Find out more here.