• P. Mahmud br3
  • Khiva, 220900
  • 우즈베키스탄
  • 전화:998-62-2904449
  • 팩스: ---.---.-----
  • URL:

회사 소개


The Company "Vision International People Group" is one of the largest companies that manufactures and distributes internationally a wide range of unique health care and longevity products and services. The Company's corporate philosophy is called the Whole Health Option, or WHO. Its mission statement is: "Our Business is about Health, and We Build Healthy Businesses!," that is to say, our business is about reliability, long-term commitment to its clients, profitability, and health, which is, after all, the main need every human being has as his or her top priority. Since its inception on the 14th of July 1996, the Company has been unswervingly committed to creating a new world culture of health as an absolute priority for the individual and for society at large. Hence the Company's core lines of business: health care and longevity products and services.

비즈니스 데이터

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도매업자, 분배 자

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