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Urbane Spring Water Cooler (Freestanding) BUY

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$ 350 AUD / Enota


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The free-standing Urbane spring water cooler is modern, stylish and popular. This cooler is reliable, easy to clean, easy to operate and looks great, which makes it an excellent choice for modern working environments and homes.

Urbane is a high-quality spring water cooler. Just in case, a free 12mth maintenance and repair service is included with your hire.

Simply Order Online or make a call to our office we will take care of all hassles within 1-5 working days.

Features & Benefits

Spring water – Get the purest, cleanest, freshest water delivered to your door

Freestanding. You can place this water cooler anywhere, plug it in and you will have fresh, clean, chilled, Spring Water to dispense

Height: 950mm – Easy to use

Width and Depth: 310mm – Small footprint that can fit in most areas

Available with Cool & Cold taps or Hot & Cold taps – Choose what suits you best

Cold water (10°C): 5.5 litres per hour – Enough for 27 small cups, 22 regular glasses or 15 mugs

Hot water (85°C): 7.5 litres per hour – Enough for 37 small cups, 30 regular glasses or 21 mugs

Includes integral no-spill-kit (with spike) – Keeps things nice and dry

Child-resistant safety for hot water taps – Keeps children safe and covers you for workplace health and safety incidents

Hidden temperature controls – For extra peace of mind

Matching cup dispensers are available

Includes unlimited technical support – Just give us a call and we’ll fix things for you within 1-5 working days for free

Delivery schedules every 4 weeks or fortnightly upon request.

Ongoing 15ltr Returnable Bottles of Spring Water $13.50 per bottle - Free delivery to all Metro Areas.

Once you become a customer, you can be placed on a delivery run.

We recommend starting with either 1 x 15Ltr bottle per person per month. So if you have 5 people in your household or Office, start with at least 4 bottles. If you have 12 staff in your office, start with 12 bottles. This may or may not be your standard monthly order, but it will guide you to see how much water your consume for future deliveries.