• 72, Konstantinovskaya st.
  • Kiev, 04080
  • Úkraína
  • Sími:380-50-529-8877
  • Fax:380-44-467-6064
  • Url:

Um okkur


We are the processor and manufacturer of walnut kernels.

Our processing facility is located at west side of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankovsk region.

Our head office is located in Kiev.

Walnuts are being harvested in western part of Ukraine, which is very clean of polution.

We offer high quality walnut kernels LH LQ LP LAH LAQ LAP according to UNECE STANDARD DDP-02.

The product is hand sorted.

Please visit our website:


Viðskipti gögn

Ekki í boði

Framleiðandi, Dreifingaraðili

Ekki í boði

Ekki í boði

Staðsetning okkar