Про нас
Sam, Bill and Pete Ketcham were young men who took a chance on a purchase of a small mill in the Town of Quesnel and showed business vision beyond their years.
The sweat and hard work of three young men together with a founding group of pioneering employees have laid a foundation for West Fraser that thrives to this day. More than five decades later, the Company has grown from the original 12-person crew at Two Mile Flat to become the largest lumber producer in North America.
West Fraser’s heritage is a story about people who came together to build so much more than those three young men imagined would be possible in 1955. Today, we remain anchored by those early core beliefs that continue to stand the test of time: cost control in all aspects of the business; efficient, modern mills; responsibility and leadership in environmental performance; the active involvement of employees in the business and a relentless pursuit of excellence in everything we do.
- See more at: http://www.westfraser.com/company/our-heritage#sthash.1DTWaFBw.dpuf
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