
  • # 621-1, Seungdoo-ri, Gongdo-eup,
  • Ansung-City, Gyeonggi, 456-825
  • 南韓
  • 電話:82-31-6919420
  • 傳真:82-31-6559421
  • 網址:



White Industry Co., manufactures and exports Non-electrical bidet.

Established in 1999, the company produces our products under its own

Brand name and on an OEM basis.

Since its establishment, the company has continued to invest in research

And development in order to improve the quality.

White Industry Co., is exporting to the North America, the Asia Pacific,

Latin America and Europe accounting for the majority of sales.

The pricing and deliveries we can offer are most competitive around

The world. Also, we have excellent quality control system certified

By ISO 14001

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