
  • 6, Jalan Bu 2 / 3, Taman Bukit Utama, Bukit Antarabangsa
  • Selangor, 68000
  • Malaysia
  • Tlf.:603-41057433
  • Fax:603-40157433
  • Url:

Om os


WT publishing is owned by winnie toh from Malaysia. She is the author of "mastering spoken English communication skills".

Following the success of her best-selling book in the local market within a short period, winnie is looking for potential partners from overseas to export her books and board game "conversation master"overseas. The targeted markets are China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, etc. Wt publishing has engaged Pelanduk, a well-established publishing company as distributors.

Zakelijke gegevens

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Engrossalg, Distributør

Mindre end 5 personer


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