Oil-water separators
![Olíu-vatns skiljur](https://supplyautonomy.com/asset/showImage/385521/olíu-vatns-skiljur.jpeg)
(1) the equipment uses physical means to separate the oil-water mixture, water purification and remove impurities. Does not affect composition of oil and water and performance. Set of fast filtration high efficient oil-water separation, oil coalescing, water purification and reverse direction cleaning all in one. Easy-to-use, safe processing, reliability.
(2)the porous structure of stainless steel diffuser, wave stracture of small oil droplet coalescer, corrosion resistance and heat resistance, firm stracture, it can be fast separate oil and water.
(3)water purification system composed of three grades filtration. Remove oil from water thoroughly. After water purified, can reach qualified standard of water.
(4)it has installed the reverce direction cleaning device in the water purificction system. Reverce direction cleaning device prompt clean filters, maintain the usage of filters and extend it life.
(5)mobile wheels equipped with purifier, can quickly replace the job site as needed.
(6)the equipment has good system of protection. Through the components to equipment of pressure, power outages, overpressure, undervoltages full protection can effectively guarantee the normal operation of equipment to prevent accidents.