
  • RosaStrasse 7
  • Freiburg Im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, 79098
  • Германія
  • Тэл:49-761-489 75 355
  • Факс:49-761-489 75 356
  • Адрас:

Аб нас


YAROKE infravest UG is an international registered company in Germany with its main import trading business activity in raw (green) coffees, conventionally and organically grown in Uganda (East Africa).

Its main export trading business activity entails Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Medical Technologies to Uganda and East Africa as a whole.

Камерцыйная інфармацыя

Няма ў наяўнасці

Дыстрыб'ютар, Аптавікі

5 - 10 чалавек


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