
  • Le Quang Dinh
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Vjetnama
  • Tālr.:84-902-656687
  • Fakss: ---.---.-----
  • Vietrādis URL:



Yellow Orange Co. is one of the leading trading company in import and export of consumer goods such as clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories and furniture in Vietnam.

We have been constantly expanding to meet the requirements and expectations of customers. We give the market all the products on demand, quality and stability are selected.

Customers please email to us to be direct quotes of items in stock, liquidation or send orders with required details and description, we will reply immediately with the best price

Attributed to its sales because customers "are always offering the most competitive prices along with delivery terms and payment most convenient," we had a great amount of loyalty to the company.

Not only in the domestic market, for the production and supply on the world market we also have prestige and a certain position because we have an extensive network of customers, warehouses large yard and convenient, can import and store large quantities of goods to customers.

We strive hard to continue the path to success. We always keep your trust in all circumstances to maintain good relations with customers and suppliers, to bring satisfaction in business relationships.

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