
  • 38 Jln Tun Mohd Fuad 1
  • Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Selangor, 60000
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We publish works by F S A Majeed and Muhammad Azman Hamzah, that which is copyrighted by Ze Majeed's Publishing Pte Ltd in Singapore.

Our publications are dedicated to the teaching of Islaam in the most comprehensive way. Our latest publication is Teach Your Child Islaam-At-Tawheed: a mini encyclopaedia teaching all of At-Tawheed including the Seerah of the Prophet, the Qasasul Anbiyaak and the 'Uloomul Qur-aan.

Illustrated with 550 fully-coloured illustration, it gives a DIRECTION to parents and teachers with regard to teaching Islaam.

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