搜索结果: 畜牧业
发现5 公司首选上市有关: 畜牧业
Alta Exports International (AEI) offers full-service import and export consulting and markets
livestock, embryos, genetic technologies and semen to the international market. AEI’s
expertise covers a... 阅读更多 »
- 提高其他牛和水牛 | 农业和养殖业 | 牛精液 | 黄牛 | 畜牧业 | 肉牛养殖 | 家畜 | 牛 | 畜牧业产品...
- Calgary
- 加拿大
Davis-Rairdan has joint production and marketing agreements with most of the elite
purebred beef cattle producers in Western Canada. This allows us to provide high quality
proven beef cattle... 阅读更多 »
- 黄牛 | 畜牧业 | 肉牛养殖 | 大角状良种牲畜 | 胚胎移植服务 | 胚胎 | 牛,服务
- Crossfield
- 加拿大
Cantriex Livestock International Inc. (Cantriex) is a full service livestock and livestock
genetics brokerage company that has been in the business of exporting for more than 30
years. Cantriex’s v... 阅读更多 »
- 黄牛 | 牛肉 | 畜牧业 | 肉牛养殖 | 家畜 | 牛
- Ponoka
- 加拿大