搜索结果: 秤
发现97 公司globalcatalog.com/lamacom.ma
Created in 1984, LAMACOM specialises in the manufacture and marketing of household articles such as cutlery, manual household equipment, kitchen utensils, cooking articles, table sets, small... 阅读更多 »
- 塑料管弯头 | 阀门绝缘套,海棉制 | 管架,可调的,塑料的 | 盖子,塑料的,用于碗、杯子、食品容器 | 食品罩,塑料的,家用的 | 金属家用品 | 厨房用具托架,塑料的,家用的 | 香辛料盒,塑料的 | 蔬菜仓储架,塑料的,家用的 | ...
- Casablanca
- 摩洛哥
Tiger Weighing Scales Co., Ltd. is a global supplier and service support provider of precision weighing equipment for use in laboratory, industrial, transportation, agriculture, chemical, aggregate,... 阅读更多 »
- 天平,用于屠宰场,架空导轨的 | 秤,货运托盘称重用 | 秤 | 秤桥 | 电子秤及配件 | 汽车秤...
- Dongguan
- 中国
Our company is a high-tech enterprise, integrating R&D, development, production, sales in one. The company fully adopts the enterprise resource planning (ERP) management system in the aspects... 阅读更多 »
- 转矩增效器 | 卡钳,用于配镜师 | 指示器,数字的 | 指示器,遥控的 | 硬度测试仪 | 内径千分尺 | 数字显示千分尺 | 电气和电子测微器 | 光学千分尺 | 电子式卡尺...
- Yueqing
- 中国
Hangzhou Zheben Import And Export Co.,Ltd is a professional exporter which has mainly in scale and household items export, we have more than 8years' experience in this field.
We have obtained... 阅读更多 »
- 进出口—代理 | 家用电器—进出口 | 家庭和餐饮业厨房用机械天平 | 天平,电子的,数字的 | 秤盘 | 厨房秤 | 秤...
- Hangzhou
- 中国
Giropes SL is a leading industrial company in the weighing sector with over 28 years of experience, based in Catalonia, Spain. We provide comprehensive weighing solutions, including the design and... 阅读更多 »
- 地磅 | 软件—咨询 | 秤 | 天平,用于屠宰场,架空导轨的 | 兽医用称 | 秤,货运托盘称重用 | 秤...
- Vilamalla
- 西班牙
RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS AND SYSTEMS PVT. Ltd. Was established in 1997 to design, develop and manufacture of process equipments cater to the need of process industries. Company is situated in well... 阅读更多 »
- 工厂交钥匙工程商 | 办公室交钥匙工程商 | 纺织厂交钥匙工程商 | 气体净化厂交钥匙工程商 | 垃圾填埋场气体集取厂交钥匙工程商 | 食品加工厂交钥匙工程商 | 制革厂交钥匙工程商 | 奶牛场交钥匙工程商 | 污水处理厂交钥匙工程商 | ...
- Pune
- 印度
With more than 400 employees and 5,000 square meters of manufacturing facilities, Infocare Industries Company Ltd. provides high quality healthcare related products, such as body fat hydration... 阅读更多 »
- 门铃 | 花园装饰品 | 其他园林小品和水景 | 其他浇水和灌溉 | 台表时钟 | 数字和模拟 - 数字时钟 | 厨房秤 | 厨房定时器 | 家用秤 | 浴室秤...
- 香港
Our company has been a professional manufacturer and exporter of different kinds of electric household appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, electric kettles, toasters, coffee makers, and heaters for... 阅读更多 »
- 吸尘器 | 冰淇淋制造商 | 直发 | 陶瓷直发器 | 男士剃须及脱毛产品 | 烧烤炉 | 食品加工 | 其他家电 | 面包机 | 绞肉机...
- 香港
Shenzhen Liweihui Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading Hi-Tech enterprise, which is specialized in research, development, engineering, and marketing of digital product. We are always in the foreland of... 阅读更多 »
- 门铃 | 螺丝刀 | 移动硬盘盒 | 硬盘驱动器 | 读卡器 | 其他电脑产品 | 笔记本键盘 | 工业电脑及配件 | 摄像机 | 硬盘播放器...
- 香港
Ishida Canada is a leader in the design, manufacture and installation of weighing and packing line solutions. Appreciating and understanding the challenges faced by retailers, Ishida Canada uses its... 阅读更多 »
- 肉类切片机 | 秤 | 空气调节 | 农产品自动称 | 食品生产工程过程自动称 | 食品机械,制造商 | 出口商...
- Surrey
- 加拿大
Equipment and engineering for egg processing.
- 食品提取物—机械和设备 | 农业—设施和装备 | 禽蛋成套加工设备 | 禽蛋清洗机 | 蛋类检验设备 | 鸡蛋分选和分级设备 | 蛋秤 | 禽蛋盖印机 | 禽蛋加工厂设备 | 蛋液杀菌设备...
- Bruges
- 比利时
We are a young company founded in May of 2007, with a group of professional specialists who have over a decade's experience in product research development, quality control and supply chain... 阅读更多 »
- 门观众 | 门铃 | 电子书 | 日历 | 钥匙包 | 婴儿监视器 | USB小工具 | 摄像头 | 平板电脑 | 手提电话...
- 香港
Koko Technology Ltd. is an experienced exporter of RC helicopter and RC hobby parts. We are professional in RC helicopter field like lipo battery, main rotor blade, RC servos, RC tools and other... 阅读更多 »
- 轴 | 照明变压器 | 发动机总成 | 软件外包 | 针线活 | 测量和分析仪器加工服务 | 手工具套 | 浴帘 | 其他浴室和厕所用品 | 制冷和热交换部件...
- 香港
Supply and installation of air compressors and compressed air handling equipment, environmental control equipment, dust, fume, gas extraction systems, industrial area heating systems, garage... 阅读更多 »
- 差动热分析装置 | 热塑性检测设备 | 低温检测设备 | 检测设备,液压脉冲的 | 液压检测设备,用于液压泵 | 热冲击检测设备 | 气候试验室 | 液压系统检测和监视器 | 热流计 | 低温计,冰点鉴定器...
- Dublin
- 爱尔兰
With our sheer commitment to offer flawless range of products to clients in a committed time period, we Shree Systems Pvt. Ltd. have become a pioneer manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Fluid ... 阅读更多 »
- 针型阀 | 电子用品 | 电动机(贸易) | 差动热分析装置 | 热塑性检测设备 | 低温检测设备 | 检测设备,液压脉冲的 | 液压检测设备,用于液压泵 | 热冲击检测设备 | 气候试验室...
- Pune
- 印度
Nature of business Metrology Direct are the UK.s leading independent supplier of Micrometers. Calipers, Dial gauges and Indicators, Bore, Depth and Thickness Gauges, Height Gauges and Scribers.... 阅读更多 »
- 声学器械校准服务 | 鉴定服务,温度和湿度的 | 鉴定服务,国家标准的 | 食用油脂的测试服务 | 线性编码器 | 编码器,绝对的 | 编码器,增量的 | 编码器,混合的 | 回转编码器 | 编码器,防爆的...
- Quedgeley
- 英国
Pulsation Dampers that do; flow goes through but pressure pulsation does not. PulseGuard Ltd. designs and manufactures in-line, flow through pulsation dampers, hydro pneumatic accumulators, single... 阅读更多 »
- 蓄电池、电池组和电池 | 蓄热器,油压式 | 助力器,油压式 | 油液伺服机构(系统) | T字接头和连接件,油压式 | 油压设备,用于遥控器 | 缓冲槽和气门,油压式 | 卷曲工具,液压的,用于电气终端和连接器 | 压力分配器和附件,液压...
- Stockport
- 英国
- 防御装备顾问 | 差动热分析装置 | 热塑性检测设备 | 低温检测设备 | 检测设备,液压脉冲的 | 液压检测设备,用于液压泵 | 热冲击检测设备 | 气候试验室 | 液压系统检测和监视器 | 热流计...
- Bondoufle
- 法国
- 禽蛋成套加工设备 | 禽蛋清洗机 | 蛋类检验设备 | 鸡蛋分选和分级设备 | 蛋秤 | 禽蛋盖印机 | 禽蛋加工厂设备 | 蛋液杀菌设备 | 打蛋机,可分离蛋黄和蛋清的 | 蛋粉生产设备...
- Barneveld
- 荷兰
- 橡胶设备工程顾问 | 气动吹枪 | 气动研磨机,碾轧机 | 撞锤,长凿,气动的 | 气动混凝土振捣器 | 喷气清理设备,工业的 | 气动卡盘,夹子 | 手工木锯 | 手工金属锯 | 多用手锯...
- Mardeuil
- 法国
- 工业水暖管道 | 增湿器,用于麦芽生产设备 | 面包、糕点、饼干和糖果业—机械和器材 | 麦芽生产设备,成套的 | 大麦修整机,用于麦芽制造设备 | 催芽器,桶式和盒式的,用于麦芽生产设备 | 饱和罐,气动的,用于催芽器,麦芽生产设备 | ...
- Kirchberg
- 瑞士
- 禽蛋成套加工设备 | 禽蛋清洗机 | 蛋类检验设备 | 鸡蛋分选和分级设备 | 蛋秤 | 禽蛋盖印机 | 禽蛋加工厂设备 | 蛋液杀菌设备 | 打蛋机,可分离蛋黄和蛋清的 | 蛋粉生产设备...
- Franeker
- 荷兰
- 果酱成套生产设备 | 糖浆成套生产设备 | 去核机,用于生产蜜饯和果酱 | 剥皮机,用于生产水果和果酱 | 栗子分级设备,用于糖果生产设备 | 葡萄干清洗机和分类机,用于加工水果和生产果酱 | 水果切丁设备,用于加工水果和生产果酱 | 锅,...
- Lage
- 德国
Yongkang zhengya weighing apparatus factory lies in the well-known hometown of hardware
China Science and Technology Hareware City" --shiya Developing Zone of Yongkang City.
It is one of th... 阅读更多 »
- 衡器 | 袖珍型比例尺 | 厨房秤 | 秤
- YongKang
- 中国
Welcome to Fisher Scales. Established in 1850, we have over 160 years of experience within the weighing industry, and we have grown to become one of the leading suppliers of high quality weighing... 阅读更多 »
- 秤 | 秤
- Attleborough
- 英国